Weekly Watch Photo – Hautlence HL Ti 02

Again a gorgeous photo of a gorgeous watch… Monochrome’s Weekly Watch Photo is the Hautlence HL Ti02, photographed by Bert the watch photographer.
Hautlence was so kind to agree and let us review a HL Ti-02. It’s difficult to be objective when you get the chance to review one of your favorite watches, so the first thing was a visit to Bert, a.k.a. the watch photographer, who was willing to do his magic with the photogenic timepiece. Photographic art of horological art 🙂
The review that will be published within the next few weeks, will cover all specifications of the HL Ti and the gorgeous honeycomb dial that was first used as dial by Hautlence! We first saw the HL Ti-01 when visiting Hautlence in the summer of 2010 and it is very similar to this HL Ti-02. The review will of course also cover these (minor) differences and we’ll try to explain how this watch wears, how it is to read the time (remarkably intuitive!) and everything about how the technics work to display the time.
Thanx to Hautlence for letting us write a review of this dream watch and thanx to Bert the watch photographer for making such beautiful photos!
4 responses
hola buenos días desde Colombia les comento que este reloj es muy elegante y distinguido me gustaría saber donde lo puedo comprar , y si en Colombia lo puedo conseguir… quiero tenerlo en mi poder
gracias por la atención
Dear Julian,
The brand is HAUTLENCE and on their website you can find a list of dealers.