Grönefeld Boutique – Report of opening

Last weekend was the opening of the new Grönefeld Boutique. Getting the chance to talk with watchmakers Bart an Tim Grönefeld, John McGonigle, Peter Speake-Marin and Kees Engelbarts was of course not something to miss.
It was a rare moment that the Netherlands where covered in snow. Traffic and road administrations where not ready for the snowy and slippery road, so it was long, long ride… Finally after 5 hours driving (usually 2 hours) i arrived at the Grand Opening of the Grönefeld Boutique. I was just in time to join the watchmakers and other guests for the evening program. And what a program it was… Read my report at the AHCI and Independent forum of The PuristS Pro.
The opening’s report was also posted at the PuristS Pro’s front page as the latest blog story. Since the opening was not the usual opening with bubbles and dinner in a restaurant with at least 1 Michelin star. Nothing wrong with such an opening, don’t get me wrong! But this opening… was the most fun opening ever!
To read the report and see the photos, click the image below.
Later i’ll post loads of photos of the watches the Grönefeld Boutique has in the collection… and of course a few wrist shots 🙂